vrijdag 23 januari 2009

A testers life for me!

I had a fantastic week this week, full of creativity, energy, ideas and good conversations. Surprises and - allthough work got tough this week on my projects and I mad tooooooo much hours- a very satisfying week worth of work. Not only this week but also the week before that was very much full of positive energy.
The world around me maybe in crisis financially, I'm determined to keep up the good faith!

I did a couple of 'speeddatesessions' on schools with girls who have to choose their profile this year. As a woman who has done the Bèta profile and studied something technical (resp; Chemical Technology, Food Technology and IT) I'm proud to be a 'mirrorimage' or rolemodel for VHTO (www.vhto.nl) and I hope to excite these girls (3 HAVO/VWO) to choose a 'NT' profile.

I did loads of development, research and writing on testing (some things for internal use, so sorry I can't publish them here) and I've still loads of info in my head. I did 1 entry for EuroSTAR individually and have 2 still to be entered (so it will get late this evening for I plan to finish the draft versions this evening)

I had two very good conversations these week. One was on code-reviewing and certificationlevels hereoff and the second was on ExpertGroup Development and controversial / innovative developement within the Testing profession AND - very important - the human side of the profession. With IfSq and TestValue respectively. Gentlemen: again my thanks to both of you for the very inspirational talks and compliments! I have allready ordered special extra wide shoes so I won't be able to walk besides them (of course they are 'IS SHOES' (see entry earlier).
Also I would like to mention in this light: I'm going to do research the upcoming period and rethink some topics discussed! To be continued!

I did my first NEN session today. It was an introductary session where everybody introduced himself / herself and where goals where clarified. I expect great things from this group and look forward to the upcoming timeperiod in which the sessions to develop the standard on softwaretesting are going to be held.

I got my official certificate by snailmail on 'Senior Test Engineer' (SE2) also OpenGroup certification level 1. And a beautyfull bouquet of my employer!

Last Highlight was the surprise of a colleague who suddenly appeared at work for a visit (an short meeting) since long time of sickness. I thought this the most bright moment of the week since not only I but also my colleague was involved!

and cheezeburgers was particularily funny this week... but this was not really an important highlight, but made some happy moments anyway.

Yep, a testers life for me!